Executive Board
Paul T.J. Scheepers obtained his MSc (cum laude) in environmental sciences at Wageningen University. In 1994 he obtained his PhD with a study on diesel exhaust exposure monitoring. In 1994 he was appointed assistant professor in toxicology at the Radboud University. In 2002 he started the research group Risk Assessment and Molecular Epidemiology and in 2005 he founded the Research Lab Molecular Epidemiology at the Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc). With his team he develops new biomarkers and new applications for biomonitoring in the field of occupational and environmental health. He coordinated several projects in the EU FP7 and H2020, e.g. on human biomonitoring such as the BIOMODEM and BOMONECS and is now scientific coordinator of the SPRINT project on pesticides exposure of workers and the public. He obtained an associate professorship in 2007 and became principal lecturer in 2009. His teaching is focused on health risk assessment in both medical and science faculties at the Radboud University and in post-graduate courses on occupational toxicology and human exposure assessment in the toxicology programme for registration as European Registered Toxicologist. He is author of 150+ peer reviewed scientific contributions. He is a member of national committees on risk assessment of chemicals in The Netherlands on biomonitoring, chromates, rubber granulate and pesticides and chemical incidents. He chairs Dutch/Flemish Contact Group Chemistry and Health (CGC) and is involved in several workgroups and committees of ISES global and ISES Europe. He contributes to the WHO/ILO joint methodology for estimating the global burden of work-related disease and injury as lead reviewer. He has been a registered European Registered Toxicologist (ERT) since 1999 and Occupational Hygienist (RAH) since 2000. He has received additional training as public health advisor hazmat and supports the emergency response to chemical incidents in safety regions in the South of the Netherlands.