Exposure to air pollutants during COVID-19 pandemic – better or worse than before?

Tue, Feb 23, 2021 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM CET

OCVID-19 pandemic changed the daily life of everyone in the world, with imposed quarantine periods to populations in order to decrease infection rates and the burden that positive cases poses to health national systems. Lockdown periods have promoted a significant change in the national economies with closure of business and industries. This webinar intends to evaluate how the COVID-19 pandemic affected: 1 - Exposure to outdoor air pollution 2 - Exposure to indoor air pollution at dwellings during quarantine 3 - Strategies to minimize human exposure to air pollutants during quarantine

Presented by: Prof. PhD Marina Almeida-Silva, PhD Nuno Canha

More information at: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1239714066779217419