Workshop on "Theoretical Background of Occupational Exposure Models"

Modelling of occupational exposure

Aim of the Workshop

ISES Europe identified exposure modelling as one of the major issues for the strategic development of exposure science in Europe for the next years. The aim of this workshop is therefore to discuss the main challenges in developing, validating and using occupational exposure assessment models for regulatory purposes. Various exposure modelling approaches will be introduced and the theoretical background, application and limitations will be presented and discussed.

Workshop participants are asked to engage in discussing the applicability of the currently available models with the aim to reach a common understanding of the benefits and limitations of the different ways of exposure modelling and to draw a roadmap towards future exposure modelling initiatives. Some more information about the issues for discussion are presented in the background document (available here Background Document)

Date of the Workshop

Tuesday, October 20th 2020,

Starting at 11:00 (Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome)


Timeline of the Workshop




11:00 – 11:15

Opening, logistics, agenda, aim of the workshop

Natalie von Goetz (BAG)

Urs Schlueter (BAuA)

11:15 – 12:00

Concept of STOFFENMANAGER® and ART Source receptor modelling approach, including discussion

John Cherrie (HW)

12:00 – 12:45

Mass balance modelling approach,

including discussion

Susan Arnold (UMN)

Joonas Koivisto (ARCHE)

12:45 - 13:30

Lunch break


13:30 – 14:15

Requirements for the validation of models , including discussion

Dorothea Koppisch (IFA)

14:15 – 15:00

Requirements for regulatory exposure modelling

Andreas Ahrens (ECHA)

15:00 – 16:00

Open discussion on exposure assessment modelling approaches

Natalie von Goetz (BAG)

16:00 – 16:15

Conclusions, wrap-up and closure

Urs Schlueter (BAuA)


Outcome, Dissemination and Publication

Minutes will be prepared after the meeting and distributed to the workshop participants. The list of participants will be part of the minutes of the workshop.