Exposure Science

PhD opportunity with the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)

PhD opportunity with the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)

Reference number: BAuA Kennziffer 16/19 WM 4.1, Interamt Stellen-ID 512282

The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Division 4 Hazardous Substances and Biological Agents, in Dortmund, Germany have an opportunity for a PhD Student (Job description: Doktorand / Doktorandin).

The fields of expertise for this project are in the remit of Exposure Science, Regulatory Affairs, Analytical Chemistry and Statistics

Desired skills and experience

Irish UK Exposure Science Meeting 2019

Irish UK Exposure Science Meeting 2019

A great conference yesterday at the Irish UK Exposure Science Meeting 2019 hosted by the Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) in Edinburgh. The ISES Europe President Yuri Bruinen de Bruin gave a keynote lecture on the challenges of exposure science and committee member Alison Connolly attended the conference. Thank you Karen Galea and the organising committee Ioannis Basinas from IOM for all their efforts organising the event, it was a great day!
